Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Journalists and PR practitioners generally need each other. Journalists normally make use of PR people for story suggestions and sources. I believe that journalists actually need PR more than a PR practitioner needs a journalist. Provided that the PR person can provide something newsworthy or related to the coverage area.

As mentioned in a portion of today's lecture on tips for new relationship with journalists (as it is known that some journalists could be really nasty),
  • Respond to media inquiries ASAP
  • Never promise anything you can't deliver
  • Always 'over-deliver'
  • Always deliver on time
As you can see from the above four points, it all boils down to one thing - responsibility.
Therefore, to sum these four tips up:
To have a good relationship with journalists, first, be a responsible PR practitioner.
I guess the rest would probably follow on from there.

This week's reading - PR Ethics - is very insightful.
To be an ethically competent PR practitioner, one has to be willing to see ethics as important and also never deny the fact that ethics is a challenging area.
If ethic is all about doing the 'right' thing, should one be caught in a situation like:

Between employer's directives and public's interest, that is, then what should he/she do? So where does this employee's duty lie? I have to admit that if I were caught in that situation, I wouldn't know what to do. But then again, that is probably not a big issue for me right now because I believe that to behave ethically 'correct' in such a position should probably come with experience.

Have anyone heard of the term 'spin'?
It is a PR language and is widely used in the UK. It means spinning or twisting a bad event that has happened to an organization into a media-favorable position. This is considered unethical but it is quite impossible for a PR practitioner to not spin a story or event in favor of the client. Afterall, isn't that the role of a PR practitioner? To put its client in a good light?

Ethics oh ethics. You are one confusing thing.

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